Wednesday, July 4, 2012

#4 - Cape Fear (1991)

Let me be one hundred percent honest with you: probably the single reason this movie is on the list is the "Cape Feare" episode from the Simpsons. I mean, when a show like that devotes an entire episode to a movie parody, it's bound to be good.

The parody was top-notch too.
So did I like it? Yes, I suppose, but it didn't make a very lasting impression on me, though. But most likely due to the fact that I have just watched Silence of the Lambs and Psycho. It's great, but not THAT great. The plot, however, is awesome. Robert DeNiro is an ex-con seeking revenge on his defense attorney, played by Nick Nolte, due to the fact that he may or may not have hidden evidence and got him into jail. So he makes his life a living hell by constantly intimidating him and his family. Great stuff.

I really liked Robert DeNiro's character: while he's obstinate, determined and violent at times, he seems like a very nice person in between those mood swings. I can't tell which one is creepier, knowing that he can drop that facade at any moment. But again, after having seeing Norman Bates and Hannibal Lecter in action, this guy can't hold a candle to them.

I admit that's pretty neat, but ripping some cop's face off AND wearing it is something else.
The rest of the performances are pretty cool too. I didn't like the daughter's role a lot though. The misundertood, rebellious teen stereotype is not very enjoyable, particularly if she tries to sympathise with the nutjob that's driving your father crazy. But Nolte was good, the wife was good, and the private investigator was good. That makes up for the whiny bitch.

So, summing up, it was very good. I would've enjoyed it a little more if I hadn't JUST seen other movies with a similar tone. But hey, I promise tomorrow's flick will be much more lighthearted. And I will lay off these "evil guy obsessed over something" thriller movies for a while.

Ps: I was watching the Simpson's parody again while writing this entry. It's just awesome. Check it out after you're done with this one, it's worth it.

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