Friday, July 20, 2012

#20 - Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

Before I begin, may I remind you that this blog and its contents are based purely on my opinion? I'm not saying this movie is a piece of garbage, but I personally think it's an unfunny mess. I am completely unfamiliar with Monty Python but if this is their humoristic style, I doubt I'm missing anything of my interest.

Let's start with the plot. Wait, plot? There is next to no plot here, unfortunately. Just a medieval setting for the cast to fuck around and make sketches parodizing the Middle Ages. It mostly involves King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table searching for the Holy Grail, and coming across all kinds of crazy shit in the way. The characters, even when they are given titles that describe their personalities, rarely reflect this at all. The are not interesting, not developed, and just leave more space for the unfunny jokes.

It says a lot when fucking Snow White exploits this better than your film.

The sketches are not funny. Some people call this film a comedic masterpiece but I ended up growing bored and booted up Minecraft while the film was playing and ended up being more invested in that. Almost all of the humor of the movie comes from the conversations between the characters. There are some bits of action but most of it is talking. Other movies have some stuff going on in the background to get you through the boring parts, but you won't find that in this one and it doesn't help that most of the film is comprised of these boring parts.

The film also has animated segments in between every sketch, or that introduce a character. I think it's the same style from Monty Python's Flying Circus show (again, never seen it, just bumped into the intro a couple of times). I'm not a fan of these either. They are supposed to be funny but, again, I don't know if it's just me but it isn't. I'm not so keen on the animation style either.

Even with all these faults, I have to give credit where credit is due. Some parts were funny, particularly the beggining. Never laugh out loud funny, but I did giggle a bit. If that counts as a compliment. I actually liked some of the silly parts, like the vicious, monstrous rabbit, or the fight with the dark knight. And the conclusion is hilarious.

By this point I still had hopes for this movie. Unfortunately, everything goes downhill from there.

In the end, I didn't like it. I didn't find it funny either. If you want to get bored and turn your attention to something else while you watch it, in hopes that the movie will get better, you'll enjoy it. In other case, there's plenty of better comedy films out there much more worthy of your time.

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